Gawker Speaks

Kinja'd!!! "ttyymmnn" (ttyymmnn)
03/22/2016 at 16:40 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!4 Kinja'd!!! 31

Until now, the silence from Nick Denton and Gawker has been deafening.



Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:42


It’s a huge pay-day for an indiscretion that would have been quickly forgotten

Funny how making something a pillar of your corporation keeps it from being forgotten.

Kinja'd!!! Biggus Dickus (RevsBro) > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:44


I skimmed it and it will probably be taken down once the lawyers get on the phone. It could end up being Gawker’s self obituary for lack of a better term.

Edit: to add onto this, one thing I learned from my old job dealing with companies and their external counsel is NEVER discuss pending litigation in any detail. Even if you have client privelage much less the general public.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
03/22/2016 at 16:48


If they listened to their lawyers, none of this would have ever happened.

Kinja'd!!! If only EssExTee could be so grossly incandescent > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:49


After the court decision was announced there was not a single post on Gawker for something like 16 hours.

Kinja'd!!! R Saldana [|Oo|======|oO|] - BTC/ETH/LTC Prophet > Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
03/22/2016 at 16:49


My thoughts are exactly

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:49


I stopped reading halfway through but at least got to the point where he said he was being sued to prevent evidence of Hogan being racist from being released. These tapes would contain quotes...yada yada yada.

What’s the word for this? You know, like humble bragging but with put-downs.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > If only EssExTee could be so grossly incandescent
03/22/2016 at 16:50


Actually, it may have been two days. But I may have missed something.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler Is Too Lazy to Find His Log-In Password > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:52


Celebrities, especially ones as public about their personal and sex life as Hulk Hogan, have a narrower zone of privacy than ordinary people.

Weird how that works with Hulk Hogan or the Conde Nast dude, but the Jennifer Lawrence/Kate Upton leaks were horrible and disgusting invasions of privacy.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > SVTyler Is Too Lazy to Find His Log-In Password
03/22/2016 at 16:56


Selective morality FTW.

Kinja'd!!! interstate366, now In The Industry > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 16:57



Kinja'd!!! not for canada - australian in disguise > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:02



There’s one picture that just summarizes everything I feel about this shit show.

Kinja'd!!! Sam > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:03


Hogan should gave requested $50 million less, in exchange for the deportation of Dick Denton. It would have been worth it, since he's consistently proven himself to be worthless.

Kinja'd!!! Shamoononon drives like a farmer > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:06


I’m sorry, but bull sheet. “It turns out this case was never about the sex on the tape Gawker received, but about racist language on another, unpublished tape that threatened Hogan’s reputation and career.”

Kinja'd!!! RallyWrench > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:08


I didn’t and don’t want to scroll too far down the piece, but it struck a pretty self-righteous tone, and it seemed like an awful lot of negative or unsupportive comments were gray. NPR reported on it the day after the verdict, and the term “comical disdain for privacy” was used to describe the stance of “Gawker editors” (NPR’s quotes). What a shitshow.

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Sam
03/22/2016 at 17:09


What country is going to take him?

Kinja'd!!! Sam > For Sweden
03/22/2016 at 17:13


Maybe just drop him somewhere between the U.S. and his British homeland.

Kinja'd!!! Sam > For Sweden
03/22/2016 at 17:15


“Lawyers hate them - Gawker Media learns the secret of losing a trial with this one trick!”

Kinja'd!!! For Sweden > Sam
03/22/2016 at 17:16


Five-year-olds hate him!

Kinja'd!!! haveacarortwoorthree2 > Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
03/22/2016 at 17:21


Yes, it still is pending but really publicity doesn’t affect the appeals process unless you say something really, completely, totally, batshit-crazy stupid. Plus a media company almost has to say something here. I suspect the article was vetted by outside counsel who, if they didn’t exactly sign off on it, at least gave a grudging nod to its publication.

Kinja'd!!! pjhusa > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:23


Hmm. Opinion-wise, I admittedly side with Gawker on this one... mostly since I disapprove of Hogan’s actions. But the excessive hubris of the articles and Gawker’s approach to “journalism” kind of makes me want them to lose. It’s just that I care about Oppo and Jalopnik that doesn’t fully make me want for their defeat.

Kinja'd!!! ttyymmnn > pjhusa
03/22/2016 at 17:27


Agreed. There's journalism, there's voyeurism, and then there's common decency. Gawker is too little of the first, too much of the second, and seemingly none of the third.

Kinja'd!!! Biggus Dickus (RevsBro) > haveacarortwoorthree2
03/22/2016 at 17:33


This is Nick Denton and Gawker we are talking about. Stupid comments go hand in hand with them.

Kinja'd!!! duurtlang > pjhusa
03/22/2016 at 17:34


I have no issue with Gawker losing. However, the awarded amount is absurd. From what I’ve read, which might be overly biased, the trial itself wasn’t exactly textbook perfect either.

Kinja'd!!! haveacarortwoorthree2 > Biggus Dickus (RevsBro)
03/22/2016 at 17:35


But there really was nothing in the article/statement that qualifies. Indeed, I thought it did a decent job, if a bit overwrought, pointing out how the state court district judge screwed them.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Sam
03/22/2016 at 17:43


Was that one trick discovered by a local mom? If not, I'm not interested.

Kinja'd!!! facw > ttyymmnn
03/22/2016 at 17:50


I’m sure they were working with their lawyers to not release something that would be used against them during the appeal. Also they may have needed some time to hide AJ’s body.

Kinja'd!!! pjhusa > duurtlang
03/22/2016 at 17:52


Ah. I guess that's what I mean, come to think of it.

Kinja'd!!! Blondude > If only EssExTee could be so grossly incandescent
03/22/2016 at 19:19


There were no posts from Friday 8pm to Saturday 10am. I have no idea when Gawker’s weekend posts typically begin but that doesn’t seem out of the ordinary.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > pjhusa
03/22/2016 at 19:45


I don’t approve. This isn’t like outing a Larry Craig or Josh Duggar. Those two both had significant influence on the lives of Americans (in Duggar’s case, potential influence) so their hypocrisy could actually materially harm people.

Hogan is an oaf, and Bollea himself is an oaf, but he’s a guy known for fake wrestling on TV. He’s not influencing policy makers. posting the video brought no benefit to society, defying a court order to take it down brought no benefit to society. Just like outing some Conde Nast exec; he wasn’t a notable public figure with influence over many. It was just petty trash.

like I’ve said elsewhere, is what you would get if you tasked the popular kids in high school with creating a news site about what they think is important. And that’s what it is; just “who sucks,” “which chick is hot,” “who’s fucking who,” “hey this guy’s a fag,” and so on. if it wasn’t for the potential loss of Jalopnik and Oppo I’d say Gawker and everyone involved in it can die in a fire.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Sam
03/22/2016 at 19:46


we can’t get rid of that shitfuck Piers Morgan, what makes you think we can get rid of Denton?

Kinja'd!!! jimz > For Sweden
03/22/2016 at 19:47


the stupid part is that it would have been “quickly forgotten” had they been decent people and not posted the fucking video.

Sounds like Dickhead Denton is a textbook sociopath. “Anything bad that happens to me is someone else’s fault.”